Byrom is No Place for Hate
No Place for Hate (NPFH) is a holistic, school-wide co-curricular equity team strategy that involves students, families, and the community to build cultural competency. No Place for Hate is a collaboration between students, teachers, and families to
help people in schools and communities understand bias and combat its negative effects through thoughtful and appropriate classroom lessons and discussions. No Place for Hate recognizes the value of diversity in society and develops strategies for all stakeholders to communicate effectively across our unique differences. The strategy explicitly examines the relationships
between individual biases and systematic oppression, including the impact of oppression and biases. The strategy
aims to help create a more equitable and just society while creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
Byrom Elementary's No Place for Hate Pledge
- I promise to include everyone even if they are not like me.
- I promise to do my best to show empathy and kindness.
- If I see someone being bullied, I will tell a teacher.
- Everyone should feel safe and happy at school.